
Showing posts from 2014

Transparent Solar Panels Otherwise Seen As Windows

Transparent Solar Panels Otherwise Seen As Windows At UCLA Transparent solar panels made possible  by researchers at UCLA and MIT. In 2012, a UCLA team of researchers from the California NanoSystems Instutue, the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science and UCLA’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, lead by study leader Professor Yang Yang of materials science and engineering, demonstrated a high-performance, solution-processed, visibly transparent polymer solar cell through the incorporation of near-infrared light-sensitive polymer using silver nano-wire composite films as the top transparent electrodes… In short, smart people at UCLA collaborated to devise a see through solar film that only harnesses the energy of invisible light! The UCLA team described their new kind of polymer solar cell (PSC) that produces energy by absorbing mainly infrared light, not visible light, making the cells nearly 70% transparent t

Beautiful Electree Mini – Solar Charger for Your Smartphone

Beautiful Electree Mini – Solar Charger for Your Smartphone Inspired by bonsaï trees and fractal patterns found in nature, Electree mini provides solar-derived power to environments typically void of renewable energy. Electree + USB will provide a 1A standard USB port. If you live in a sunny country, you’ll be able to recharge your smartphone everyday. Electree mini is also a formidable companion for your smart watch, even with a cloudy weather you’ll always be able to recharge it. This colorful charging lantern stores energy in small batteries and can be used directly to power your gadgets every day. Muller has launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the manufacturing process of Electree Mini, and we think this one is definitely worth our support.

Forget roofs, are solar roads the next big thing?

iPhone Display with Solar Panel To Be Seen in Future

iPhone Display with Solar Panel To Be Seen in Future Apple has sort out the solution to fulfill the hunger of iPhone, rumors are that the future iPhone models will be seen flaunting solar displays. Solar power is always in mind when we think of supplying power to our personal gadgets and why not, we all have seen a few gadgets out there in the market which do carry such functionality at present, it is definitely possible to get the same in our Smartphones. And when these kind of rumors are spread for Apple devices we are pretty sure that something is going on behind the scene. According to U.S. Patent No. 8,730,179 which defines “Integrated touch sensor and solar assembly”. It looks like Apple is really trying hard to make it a reality to offer their consumers a built in solar panel under a smartphone’s touch-screen.  Solar panel will be built under the touch panel that will have a flexible display. It will be really interested to see how Apple really manages to do so.