
Showing posts from 2010
Biggest Solar Project(Blythe Solar Project,USA) The Bureau of Land Management has issued a final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Blythe Solar Power Project in southeast California. When fully operational, the solar thermal power plant would have the capacity to produce 1,000 megawatts of electricity -- enough to power roughly 800,000 homes. The Blythe project is also a significant step for federal efforts to expand renewable energy from sources like wind, solar and geothermal power, with the Southern California desert poised to become the solar capital of the world. This make boost to the developement and research regarding to renewable energy.A milestone that set new standard for the industry. Projects like this can move forward, it will show the world that we do not need to be dependent on toxic energy sources any more, and we can rely on solar to provide a large portion of the world's energy.
Security of supply, diminishing conventional resources and environmental concerns have moved renewable energy from the margins of the energy industry to the heart of national energy strategies. To accelerate the development of renewable energies, national governments are providing legislative and financial support to the sector. This legislative and financial support is ensuring investment in renewables can be made with increased certainty and enhanced profitability. Investments have become available to investors at a variety of entry points, allowing private investors, small to medium sized enterprises, corporate/institutional investors, pension funds, ethical funds and foundations to select investments that match their particular criteria preferences.
we have to think about the next most useful energy ..."The solar energy".we should give attention on this.... the focial fules are ending at very high speed we have to find out some thought at a big way that can change out planet .....
I think the next most used energy Will be the solar energy.